My three and a half minutes of Edly goodness.

Close up on the tree that fell in the backyard.

The frogs were living in the puddles that the trees left.

Our makeshift grill

September 19, 2003 (day 2)


Victory was mine for four and a half glorious minutes – I got to see part of TDS this morning @ 10, specifically Ed Helms’ story. (we have a generator and we turn it on once every few hours to catch up with the news for about 20 minutes, and since we have direct tv, we hooked up the box to the tv) But you know, I don’t remember a darn thing about it. I remember the part where Ed asked this safety official if Yatzee came with this emergency preparedness kit in case of a chemical leak. I miss Ed Helms, but don’t tell anyone that. I tried to study for my Art History test and do some reading in Psychology, but I just didn’t have the attention span.  I always found myself reading another chapter.


Mom actually thought that she could get lottery tickets today. That’s all she could talk about. I <I>tried</I> to tell her that none of the stores from up to like Petersburg are open, but she just keeps on insisting that she can find a place that is selling lottery tickets. And then she started to complain about having to have another lunchmeat sandwich again for dinner, and I told her (jokingly, but I was serious) that she would have to stop being so picky. She even called <b>Dairy Queen</b> thinking that they would be open today.  She also thought that we were going to be able to go to the commissary tomorrow also.


We cooked nearly all our frozen food today on a makeshift grill. I had a boca burger, and a piece of chicken, but this is all dad cooked:
Boca Burgers
Little Toumbstone pizza
Chicken Fritters
Some Morningstar burgers we bought months ago

A house down the street burned down to the ground early this morning, but my dad missed it due to the bad radio reception and for some reason I didn’t hear any sirens. There were bullets in the house, and they exploded, and this one firefighter had to go to the hospital. I think it was that poorly run house across the street from the seven eleven.


Before the generator ran out of gas for the first time last night, I was watching Bob Matthews (a.ka. “Rocca Helms”) and he was looking all “bad ass”, out there in his shiny yellow raincoat, and his backward hat, and his jeans. 


We haven’t even tried to make an effort to start cutting away all the trees today, since we have a lack of chainsaws. We did have one fatality; a raccoon that seems to have been “squashed” when he fell out of a tree that was falling yesterday.


8:54 p.m.

We ran the generator for two hours and set up the “bad” vcr, and we watched tv, and I recorded the Ed Helms story on my Ed Helms tape. I guess we’re treating ourselves to an hour of TV in the morning and an hour in the afternoon and an hour in the evening. We don’t expect our power back until Sunday or even Monday. School probably isn’t going to be open next week. (or at least Monday-Wednesday) Dad heard that the place where the ferries are is a wreck. All the houses near the ferry dock got it real bad. I don’t really miss going online that much, but I do find it easier to type up what is happening on the laptop than writing in my paper journal. I can just paste this in there.


Day 3 & 4